Design Zone and Knowledge

Przyszłość pracy w biurze. Czy warto inwestować w biurka?

The future of office work. Is it worth investin...

The future of office work. Is it worth investing in desks? The times we live in are constantly changing every aspect of our lives. Improvements are being made in almost...

The future of office work. Is it worth investin...

The future of office work. Is it worth investing in desks? The times we live in are constantly changing every aspect of our lives. Improvements are being made in almost...

Jak złagodzić ból kręgosłupa lędźwiowego?

How to relieve lumbar spine pain?

"Burning in the small of your back", pain when bending, numb legs... Do you feel like your back has had enough? Learn 7 ways to relieve lumbar spine pain. What...

How to relieve lumbar spine pain?

"Burning in the small of your back", pain when bending, numb legs... Do you feel like your back has had enough? Learn 7 ways to relieve lumbar spine pain. What...

Biurko elektryczne z pamięcią. Wydajniejsza praca w biurze.

Electric desk with memory. Work more efficientl...

The electric desk is slowly becoming part of office design standards. These are functional, durable and attractive furniture. However, this does not mean that this project is not evolving. A...

Electric desk with memory. Work more efficientl...

The electric desk is slowly becoming part of office design standards. These are functional, durable and attractive furniture. However, this does not mean that this project is not evolving. A...

Rodzicu - zainwestuj w zdrowie swojego dziecka

Parents - invest in your child's health

Round back, bowed head, forward shoulders and contracted chest... No. This is not a list of symptoms that appear in old age. On the contrary. These are symptoms that appear...

Parents - invest in your child's health

Round back, bowed head, forward shoulders and contracted chest... No. This is not a list of symptoms that appear in old age. On the contrary. These are symptoms that appear...

Jak urządzić pokój dla ucznia? Nauka, odpoczynek, zabawa.

How to arrange a room for a student? Learning, ...

The school year is over. This is the perfect time to prepare your child for the unpredictable difficulties of the next school year. How to prepare for it? You will...

How to arrange a room for a student? Learning, ...

The school year is over. This is the perfect time to prepare your child for the unpredictable difficulties of the next school year. How to prepare for it? You will...

5 w 1 – czyli gdzie znaleźć idealne biurko do home office?

5 in 1 – where to find the perfect home office ...

The home office work model looks great at first glance. You don't leave the house and work in your pajamas... Unfortunately, this is only an appearance. Although there are several...

5 in 1 – where to find the perfect home office ...

The home office work model looks great at first glance. You don't leave the house and work in your pajamas... Unfortunately, this is only an appearance. Although there are several...