It's no secret that time management is a skill of successful people. If you want to make the most of every moment, you need to learn to design strategies that work. As Irene used to say. C. Kassorla, you have to be the author of your own destiny. The golden rule is to plan and act on your priorities. What's next?
Benefits of time management.
Let's start with the benefits of time management. There are many of them: less energy effort in achieving goals, better organization of work, less stress, greater motivation and job satisfaction, less pressure, reducing the risk of making mistakes, achieving goals faster. It is worth focusing on the goal first - without it it is difficult to plan anything. Setting a goal correctly is an art. How to do it?
Goal - how to set it?
The desired result should be precise and described in detail. The time frame for a specific goal should also be realistic, i.e. adjusted to both time and skills. It is worth breaking down the goals you set into detailed steps and tasks. Remember to recognize the challenges related to the goal you are setting at an early stage. Don't set too many goals for yourself, it can be frustrating and demotivating. Marking the progress of completed work is interesting and increases satisfaction. Use the time when you have the most energy, then the effects are best. Follow the principle "it's important because it's written down". She really works. The written goals can be thought through, sequenced or specified - this also applies to the steps that lead you to achieve a specific goal. What is written down is easier to remember and less likely to be forgotten.

Basics of planning.
Planning your daily work and all other life events always means saving time, success and more freedom in relation to the tasks that await you every day. It is important to control your own effectiveness. It helps us draw conclusions, which is why it is necessary to control the implementation of tasks and their results. This gives you a sense of control over your own time. Self-control is an extremely important mechanism in time management. It not only has an evaluative function but also has a positive attitude towards work. Effective time management also requires taking notes. Having a planner always helps. There are many types of notebooks on the market. It is worth choosing the right one for you and using it regularly. Electronic organizers will also work great. Remember, however, that regardless of the form you choose, be disciplined and supplement it regularly.
Work organization - there is no discussion here - good workplace organization is extremely important. It's worth starting with the desk: set the tabletop at the appropriate height, use an application that remembers settings - it will improve your daily schedule. Think about sorting documents, tidy up your desk after work, sort documents, mark the most important matters. Place the clock in a visible place, keep only the necessary documents and look through your archive every few years, do not collect unnecessary things.
Telephone conversations - concentrate on what the interlocutor is saying. Take notes. Prepare a list of calls you need to make every day. When it comes to phone calls, it's a good idea to set priorities. Think for a moment about those that are most important - spend the most time on those.

Principles of time planning.
You must be aware that there is always a limited amount of time for planning and implementing a specific task. So that too many planning rules and principles do not discourage us, we have selected the most important ones below:
- Rule 60:40
This rule states that 60% of time should be planned, 20% for unexpected activities and 20% for spontaneous activities, such as tasks from the manager or creative activity.
- Start your day with a positive attitude and work at the same time as possible.
- Always check your daily schedule. Check their validity and urgency and make any corrections.
- Always complete the most important tasks first. It is worth doing complicated tasks in the morning. To set priorities, the ABC analysis method will be useful, which involves grouping individual tasks into one of three groups (A, B or C). A is the group of the most important tasks, it should constitute about 60%, B is the group of important tasks - about 20%, C are less important or unimportant tasks.
- Be prepared to work. This allows you to shorten the time needed to perform individual activities.
- Avoid unplanned and spontaneous actions. Whenever you interrupt your work to, for example, call someone, consider whether it is necessary and sensible. Typically, deviating from the designated work plan reduces productivity.
- Take appropriate breaks and maintain an appropriate pace of work. Working too long and intensively is not profitable. Concentration and performance decline. You start making mistakes. A break is necessary to rest and recover. Relax your muscles by changing the height of the desk top, thus relieving your spine and stimulating your circulatory system. Air the room, look out the window. Do some simple physical exercises. The best ideas emerge in a relaxed atmosphere.
After reading the text about management, you should already know a lot. It is worth devoting at least 15 minutes a day to planning, this will allow you to go to work calmly and at the same time have control over the progress of your tasks. Let this text be an inspiration for changes in your life. Our electrically adjustable desks will be happy to help you with this.
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Covey R. Stephen. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Ed. IV 2007. pp.145-147
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