The home office work model looks great at first glance. You don't leave the house and work in your pajamas... Unfortunately, this is only an appearance. Although there are several advantages, there are also disadvantages. One of them is that at home, the workplace is also a place where kids watch cartoons on the computer, where the wife will want to powder her nose, and the older son will want to play Fife with his friends. Can an ordinary desk handle it?
An ordinary desk is not necessarily…
When thinking about furnishing a home, we increasingly take into account the functionality of the furniture. Especially since the number of people working from home has increased and the small size of apartments does not allow for space for an independent office.
Is there any solution that will allow you to create a comfortable workplace and other purposes?
Yes. It is a desk with electric height adjustment.

Advantages of an adjustable home office desk
When assessing this type of furniture, we usually look at it through the prism of efficient work. This is not surprising, because the height adjustment allows you to work comfortably while sitting or standing, which translates into greater efficiency.
This model in operation:
- Improves concentration
- Improves blood circulation
- Relieves the spine muscles
- It helps prevent degenerative spine diseases
- Reduces the effect of laziness
But it is not everything!
Equally important is its universal use at home.
Everyone who works in a home office knows perfectly well that the home office is also a place where the kids watch cartoons on the computer, where we spend time playing games, and sometimes the wife also drops in for a little make-up.
Yet the height of family members is not always the same. That's why an electrically adjustable desk perfectly fits these types of needs.

How to choose a home office desk so that everyone can use it?
This of course depends on individual needs. However, it is always worth checking the height range of the furniture. So that everyone, including adults, teenagers and children, can sit comfortably at it, it is worth ensuring that the minimum height of the table top is approximately 60 cm.
Unfortunately, desks in supermarkets have adjustable ranges starting from 70 cm. Therefore, if we are looking for a desk with universal use, it is definitely better to choose furniture from a proven manufacturer.
What else should you pay attention to?
Considering that various activities will be performed at the desk, it is worth considering the type of countertop.
During normal work, it is unlikely to get dirty, but what if the kids take chips for fairy tales or the soul of an artist awakens in them, whose canvas turns out to be an A4 sheet of paper and a desk underneath it?
Truly chaos guaranteed.
Therefore, it is also worth paying attention to a hygienic countertop with antibacterial and antistatic properties that is easy to keep clean.
These are the properties of the LIV home office desk from Deskwise.

As we know, workplace ergonomics have a significant impact on efficiency and pleasure in performing duties. Therefore, if you are looking for a functional desk that will be used by all household members, now you know what to pay attention to.
Check out the offer for Deskwise height-adjustable desks in the range of 59 – 127 cm.