Lagom is the Swedish name for the feeling of comfort and warmth and belonging to a specific place and community. It means contentment and focuses on being in harmony with nature and with yourself, on having what is necessary. Exactly translated from Swedish, lagom means "just right." And it is a reflection of the Swedish lifestyle, with respect for what surrounds us, what we eat and what is really needed. Why did we name our adjustable desk Lagom?
It could be said that each of us experiences lagom every day. This feeling is hidden in our habits and routine. Scandinavian design is not necessary to feel comfortable. Just answer the question: what makes you feel confident? What activities give you pleasure? Who do you feel comfortable with and how and under what conditions do you like to work? What do you do to feel comfortable? These can be ordinary activities such as making morning coffee, preparing breakfast, reading fairy tales to children before bed or working in a comfortable, self-decorated office. Lagom is actually present in the lives of each of us. However, not everyone can recognize and name them.
The word Lagom became popular thanks to the 2019 advertising campaign of a well-known company selling furniture and home furnishings. The campaign was called "Live Lagom" and its aim was to encourage people to live in balance, limit the number of unnecessary items, save water, not waste food and respect nature. Advertisements opposed the ubiquitous desire to have everything. Lagom can also be explained as a moderate approach in every aspect of life. At work, at home, in relationships with others, in art or furniture. In Sweden, there is also a popular expression: "lagom är bäst", which can be translated as "just right".

Living "just right" is a combination of several changes that make us happier. It is important to respect what you have, what you eat and what you buy. Don't destroy things to make them last as long as possible, choose what is environmentally neutral. Simplicity, naturalness and neutrality are features that will prove useful in everyday life. The use of natural, durable materials allows you to enjoy them for years. Naturalness within lagom means choosing wood, stone, linen, and cooking using methods that do not cause the loss of nutrients in food. Lagom also means using time wisely and planning it. Doing what you love. Following your own rituals, not overworking yourself and giving yourself valuable respite. Being with family, talking during breaks and working in ergonomic and comfortable conditions.
What is Scandinavian design?
Sustainability and comfort are lagom's most important design principles. Natural methods and materials must be used in novel, innovative ways. However, they cannot be overloaded. The furniture is simple in form and fulfills its functions in an innovative way. A desk with an adjustable top height is a perfect example of design lag. The Lagom adjustable desk, made of wood and steel, is functional and provides the highest comfort of work. Advanced technology is hidden in minimalist columns, which makes the desk control very intuitive.

L agom is functionality, simplicity and modernity as well as respect for the environment. Lagom is a whole spectrum of possibilities thanks to which we find the golden mean between what we need and what we do not need.
Sources: , Access date: 1/08 .2022 . Access date: August 1, 2022. . Access date: August 1, 2022.
Brits Thomsen Louisa, The Book of Hygge. How to slow down, love and live happily.